How many times have you gone to get something from a kitchen drawer or cabinet only to come out empty-handed? It can be hard to keep things organized in the kitchen, but with just a few tips, you’ll know exactly where everything is the next time you need it.
1.Store the Items You Use Most in the Front: This tip may seem elementary, but sometimes we forget about it and just throw things in the cupboard without taking the time to place it in its proper spot. If you use an item that you rarely touch, make sure to return it to the back of the drawer/cabinet. Likewise, if you always use the same two mugs, make sure they have a designated spot towards the front, so you always know where they are when you need them.
2.Use drawer dividers: Most homes have a silverware drawer in their kitchen. This is typically the easiest to keep organized because of easy-to-find silverware organizers. It’s super easy to keep all of your drawers looking just as neat. You can create makeshift dividers with small strips of wood or cardboard to create sections within your drawers. You can also get your hands on some old muffin tins for easy organizing of little items. Each muffin cup can have its own purpose, and only those items are allowed in that cup. There are also plenty of drawer dividers available, both hard and soft, to keep your kitchen spic and span.
3.Keep like items together: If you store everything in your kitchen cabinets, it’s important to keep similar items together. Keep all of your pots, pans, and corresponding lids in one cabinet while your sheet pans, baking tins, and mixing bowls are in another. The same rule applies for drawers; have a silverware drawer, a cooking utensils drawer, and a baking accessories drawer, so you always know where everything is. One of the most important ways to implement this tip is to keep your Tupperware containers with their lids. There is almost nothing as frustrating as trying to match a container to a lid when you have stacks and stacks of both. Keep the lids and containers organized by size, or even consider placing one inside the other with the lids on.
4.Utilize ceiling and wall space: Cabinets and drawers are not the only places to store things in your kitchen. If you want to make some room, consider getting a ceiling or wall rack to hang pots, pans, and cooking utensils. Not only will these items be extremely easy to find, storing larger items on a rack saves a lot of room inside your cabinets for the remainder of your kitchen items. Using racks can turn your items into a display feature. Professional chefs use ceiling racks all of the time, so why can’t you?
5.Store Spices on a Lazy Susan: If you’re like most people, you have a wide array of spices filling up your kitchen cabinets. The easiest way to save space is to install a lazy Susan! With one of these beauties installed, it doesn’t matter where you put the spices; you’ll be able to access them all easily with a turn of the board. You can also use lazy Susans in pantry cabinets to store jars of peanut butter, jelly, Nutella, etc. and other little odds and ends. It’s always hard to know what’s in the back of the cabinet, and with these, you won’t need to.
6.Use Counter Space: Don’t forget that it is okay to have some small items on your countertop. Salt and pepper shakers, mugs, cups filled with small cooking utensils, knives, etc., are all perfectly acceptable to leave out on your counter where they are easily accessible. Just remember to avoid too much clutter on those beautiful stone countertops! If you want to upgrade your counter to match your beautiful and organized kitchen, call Planet Stone today at (818) 860-7142. We have the most beautiful stone surfaces to choose from that will make any kitchen stand out.
We hope these organizing tips were helpful. Rome wasn’t built in a day, so don’t feel like you need to completely reorganize your kitchen in one either! Happy cleaning!
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